The Next Apple iOS Update Will Have A Taco And A Burrito Emoji

This is the only Apple news you need today. The new iOS 9.1 update will feature new emojis, including a taco and a burrito! Finally, people will have the necessary visual representations when texting friends about that new taco truck down the street.

The Next Web reports that the new update will feature other essential faces, hand gestures, actions and food items, including the middle finger, whose skin tone you can also change, a crab and a lion head. Foodies and bronies alike will be delighted that developers have included a block of cheese and a unicorn as well. Most of these new emojis were approved back in June by the imposing sounding Unicode consortium. No word yet on when they’ll approve the avocado, champagne and bacon (BACON!) emojis, which the consortium was considering back in June for a summer 2016 release.

Currently, these new emojis are only available to those who have paid Apple developer accounts. The rest of us have to wait for the iOS 9.1 update to go live, which The Next Web predicts will be “later this year,” while Mashable lists the much more optimistic date of September 16 as when the update might roll out.

So who’s going to scarf down a bunch of tacos and then text everyone in their address book about it when this update comes out? Just me?

(h/t Mashable)