‘South Park’ Will Cover Caitlyn Jenner In Their Most ‘Stunning’ Episode Ever

The bad: Key & Peele will no longer be on Comedy Central on Wednesday nights, like, ever. The good: South Park is back! The animated series, which was once stupidly dismissed as childish filth but has since become a TV institution, is returning for a 19th season tomorrow night, and it’s about time. Matt Stone and Trey Parker have missed Donald Trump, missed Jared Fogle (who’s rumored to show up at some point this year), missed The Dress. Y’know, everything important that’s happened culturally since the last new episode aired in December 2014.

So who will tomorrow night’s episode be about? According to EW, it’s Caitlyn Jenner, almost assuredly with more grace and subtlety than Family Guy.

“There is a new principal at the helm of South Park Elementary. He forces the boys to confront the damage they’ve done through their history of racism and unconscious bias. It is the most stunning and brave South Park ever”…which seems to be a reference to Kris Jenner’s quote about Caitlyn accepting the Arthur Ashe Courage Award at the July ESPYS Awards. Jenner called Caitlyn’s speech “amazing and very brave.” (Via Entertainment Weekly )

Judging by the description above, this sounds like it could be South Park‘s “Homer’s Enemy,” where a “normal” person, then Frank Grimes/now “a new principal,” has to interact with someone like Homer/Eric Cartman. Or it’s nothing like that, but Cartman still makes him go insane. Either way, “Stunning and Brave” will also somehow cover Deflategate. Please no “deflated balls” joke.

Comedy Central released a clip from the premiere.

And here’s the season trailer.

(Via EW)