This Six-Year-Old’s Sarcastic School Assignment Answer Is Everything

The mother of a 6-year-old boy writes that she “won’t disagree” that her son is a sarcastic little son of an expletive after sharing his first grade school assignment on Reddit with the caption “This is why my kid is going places.” Arguably the worst part of math class — especially for right-brained, creative types — was when the teacher wanted you to “show your work.” Yes, it may have helped your teacher understand your thinking process, but counterpoint; it was also really friggin’ annoying. This kid knows it. He doesn’t need to explain how he arrived at the conclusion that four dimes is more than 30 pennies. It just is.

The boy’s mom also writes that she plans on hanging on to the assignment so her son can fully appreciate the humor someday, at which point he’ll obviously be sharing it as an anecdote on a late night show or something.

(Reddit via Mashable)

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