One Dude’s Excitement About The McRib’s Return Led To A Most Monstrous Creation

A word of warning: This video is loaded with plenty of profanity in the form of one extremely excited man who spent the entirety of November 11 stuffing his face with McRib sandwiches. Not only did he haul tush — first thing in the morning — straight to McDonald’s and order 12 of these babies, but he went a little insane while recording a video of himself enjoying them all.

The video, which was fittingly captioned, “Don’t call it a comeback,” featured a performance by this guy and his table full of McRib sandwiches. For a few minutes, he spitballs over the glorious creations and admonishes McDonald’s for taking them away for so long. Then sh*t gets real around the 3:00 minute mark when he stacks all the meat up as one sandwich and tries to stuff them in his belly button. We live in a crazy world, folks. A world that contains a breathing forest and a dude throwing a rager over the McRib.

An investment of about $30 led to this disgusting abomination, but he likely will recap the costs through viral video revenue. He might need that money to help him recover from eating a year’s allotment of sodium. Or for the flowers he needs to buy his wife for putting up with this madness.

She’s the most patient woman in the world.

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