New ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ Featurettes Provide A Glimpse At Simon Pegg’s Character

We’ve known for a while that Simon Pegg would likely appear in Star Wars: The Force Awakens in some capacity, although there’s been no hint as to who or what Pegg would be playing. Well, now we have a somewhat better idea thanks to a new Disney Channel featurette.

The featurette is an introduction to Daisy Ridley’s Rey, but it also features a bunch of behind-the-scenes shots, including a brief glimpse of Simon Pegg in his alien get-up at around the 30-second mark. You definitely won’t recognize Pegg when he shows up, as he’s playing some sort of chubby, orc-like alien. No word on the character’s name yet, but he certainly appears to be a bit of a ne’er-do-well. Maybe I shouldn’t judge an alien by its cover, though. You can check out the featurette, which features a decent amount of new footage, above.

While we’re at it, here’s another Disney Channel featurette focused on John Boyega’s Finn. This one features some interesting looks at some new droids we haven’t seen before…

It will be interesting to see how important Simon Pegg’s character is. Pegg has been contributing to The Force Awakens behind the scenes, so maybe J.J. Abrams gave him a few lines or the opportunity to be shot by Han Solo as a reward.

via /Film