The New York Daily News Slammed Presidential Candidates For Their Responses To The San Bernardino Shootings

Mass Shooting In San Bernardino Leaves At Least 14 Dead
Getty/New York Daily News

In the wake of Wednesday’s San Bernardino shootings that left at least 14 people dead, the day ended with the shooting of two suspects by police. We still don’t know the motives of those who wrought carnage upon people at the Inland Regional Center, which primarily serves children with developmental disabilities. After a briefing, President Obama wearily addressed the nation with a renewed call for reformed gun-control laws (after the latest in a seemingly endless river of mass shootings).

On Twitter, a number of presidential candidates (along with Speaker of the House Paul Ryan) expressed “thoughts and prayers” sentiments for the victims and families of the tragedy.

The New York Daily News took these four politicians to task for what some people see as hollow words without action. We’ll get to that part in a moment, but first, Thursday morning’s NYDN cover says a lot with a “God Isn’t Fixing This” headline, which is flanked by the tweets of Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Lindsey Graham and Paul Ryan.

The paper isn’t messing around at all, and there’s one very vocal Twitter user, Igor Volsky of Think Progress, who is retweeting countless politicians who offer thoughts and prayers. He’s also adding financial data that reveals how much each of them received from the NRA in campaign contributions.

Those are just a few examples from Volksy’s ongoing stream of tweets on the subject. Neither Hillary Clinton nor Donald Trump have expressed thoughts and prayers.