Headline Of The Day: ‘Angie Harmon Wants To Be A Lusty, Big-Busted She-Hulk’

A few months ago Angie Harmon (Baywatch Nights, Law & Order) tweeted a picture of herself photoshopped as She-Hulk by a fan. Dan Slott (writer of 33 She-Hulk issues) tweeted back that he’d “write the pilot for free.” Harmon continued her public love of the character in an interview with Conan O’Brien. Team Coco described the video with the headline “Angie Harmon Wants To Be A Lusty, Big-Busted She-Hulk.” Who told them all of my Google Alert terms?

Check out the video below to see Harmon talk about all of She-Hulk the single female lawyer’s positive attributes, like her 36Cs and her penchant for sleeping with a bunch of male superheroes. After hearing about the latter, O’Brien commented, “She-Hulk is coming out in one year. I am the executive producer. I’m also the director. And I play every male character.”

Andy Richter also informed us that “slutism” is the academic study of sluts. I already knew that. I’ve got my Bachelors. Summa cum laude.