The Rock Layeth The Smackdown On All The Jabronis Who Make Fun Of His Signature Pose

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The Rock is a busy man. Yet between his Hollywood projects and foray into the diaper-changing realm, the man finds time to look back at his early wrestling days and save puppies like no one’s business. The WWE would love to have him return forever, for his continued influence on the sport will never die. However, The Rock cannot be tamed. He has many important things to do, including his latest signature pose. You may have seen it a few times.

The increased frequency of this pose has much do with HBO’s Ballers (simply because the role involves The Rock wearing a lot of suits). However, most roles played by The Rock are infused with aspects of his own personality, which is part of the draw for putting butts in seats. People love the People’s Champ, and this pose is all Rock. It’s a little bit “sharp-dressed man” and a whole lot of “I barely had time to get dressed after that wild romp in the sack.” Like everything else The Rock does, this pose works.

However, some smart-ass jabronis started (lovingly) making fun of this pose on Instagram. So, The Rock responded with a properly meme-d up version of his button-buttoning habit.

Gotta love that hashtag game: “#TheDayTheCuffPoseOfficiallyDied #MyWristMusclesKeepBreakingTheCuffs.” Wrist muscles! Of course.

This response is only further evidence of The Rock’s endearing ability to make fun of himself. No one could ever forget how his fanny pack spawned a flurry of Halloween costumes. The “tissue under the elbow” detail will go down as one of the greater mysteries of mankind, but The Rock knows his imitators looked “hot, while I still look like a buff lesbian.”