Pack Your Bags For Psychic Summer Camp, ‘Psychonauts 2’ Has Hit Its Funding Goal

At The Game Awards 2015, Tim Schafer made a surprise appearance and announced that he and his studio Double Fine were looking to crowdfund a sequel to the cult-classic platformer Psychonauts. Of course, fans have been clamoring for a new Psychonauts for years, but Double Fine has a complex history with crowdfunding. They ignited the indie Kickstarter revolution with Broken Age, but then dumped a bucket of water on that same revolution when they failed to complete Broken Age with the funds they’d raised. Also, the Psychonauts 2 campaign was being done via Fig, a new experimental crowdfunding platform founded just a few months ago by former Double Fine employees. Bottom line, despite its cult following, Psychonauts 2 getting the funding it needed was far from a slam dunk.

Well, thankfully for fans of funny, charmin, 3D, platformers have come through. As of late yesterday, Psychonauts 2 surpassed its funding goal of $3.3 million. This time around, Double Fine won’t be relying entirely on fan support, as they’ll also be chipping in some of their own cash, and receiving some money from an unnamed external partner (probably Sony, because Double Fine is also making a PlayStation VR Psychonauts spin-off). And now the bad news – Psychonauts 2 is going to happen, but it’s not going to arrive until late 2018. Rough. You can check out Schafer and his Double Fine army thanking their backers above, and a documentary on the making of the first Psychonauts, below.

The Psychonauts 2 campaign still has a few days to run, so if you’d like to contribute or score yourself some sweet rewards, you can do that right here.

(Via Engadget)