The ‘Warcraft’ Movie Unveils Its First TV Spot And A Fun Easter Egg For ‘World Of Warcraft’ Fans

The cinematic version of Warcraft has officially rolled out its first TV spot. The 30-second ad, which aired during Sunday NFL games, is mostly made up of footage from the first trailer (yes, that means that damn baby orc rears its ugly head again), but it also contains a few new snippets, as well. These include a brief shot of Paula Patton’s half-orc Garona in action and more footage of humans and orcs screaming dramatically. Raaaargh!

But that’s not all! Warcraft director Duncan Jones also shared some fun little tidbits World of Warcraft fans should look out for in his upcoming film. Here’s the movie version of the Hero’s Call Board (the board where you pick up your quests in WoW).

And here’s a look at one of the streets from Warcraft, which is of course lined with quality drinking establishments.

Say what you want about Warcraft, as it certainly looks like it has many flaws, but they seem to be putting in a lot of work into making it feel true to the games. For better or worse, Warcraft appears to truly bring Blizzard’s somewhat goofy fantasy world to life.

Warcraft, which stars Travis Fimmel, Toby Kebbell, Ben Foster and Paula Patton, arrives June 10.

(Via VG 24/7)

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