New Yorkers Are Leaving Passive Aggressive Notes In The Aftermath Of The Blizzard Of 2016

There is one universal truth for living in a city during a snowstorm. The amount of fun you have during the snow event (having no excuse not to hike over to the nearest bar and day-drink!) is equally proportionate to the headache you experience in the aftermath of the storm. Because that snow that just yesterday blanketed your streets and sidewalks in a beautiful cover of twinkling white is already turning brownish grey (with intermittent spots of yellow) and is now piled up around your car waist-deep.

The aftermath of a snowstorm in the city is not fun, and in the days and weeks ahead can cause growing temperaments to clash as people do their best to cope with the hassle of it all.

In New York City, where snow totals reached upwards of 30 inches, residents are growing frustrated at the city’s lack of snow removal effort, with many businesses and homeowners being held accountable. And they’re dealing with it by leaving passive aggressive notes and signs, in addition to a healthy dose of Twitter shaming going on.

Here’s just a sampling of what’s being shared on social media:

Meanwhile in Philly, where many rely on their cars to get around, people aren’t so much frustrated by the lack of snow removal as with the saving of parking spots. Despite the fact that the Philadelphia Police threw down hard on a #NoSavsies campaign (with this hilarious “Hotline Bling” parody), notes, cones, and lawn chairs were out in full force.

Thankfully, with temperatures reaching into the 40s this week, the impact of the #BlizzardOf2016 should be a temporary one.

(Via Gothamist, Daily Mail,

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