Donald Trump Calls For An Apple Boycott In The Most Hypocritical Fashion Possible

During a Friday rally in South Carolina, Donald Trump weighed in on Apple’s refusal to unlock the iPhone used by the San Bernardino shooters during their December massacre, in which 14 people lost their lives. As part of the FBI’s investigation, a judge ordered Apple to deliver the goods, but the company refused on the grounds that this would have a “chilling” effect upon future iPhone users’ privacy. Apple CEO Tim Cook says the company will appeal the ruling, and in the meantime, they’re not budging.

Everyone has an opinion on this subject, but Trump always speaks loudest, which means people will call him out when he goofs. And they did just that, but first, here’s Trump’s rally statement:

“First of all, Apple ought to give the security number by the phone. What I think you ought to do is boycott Apple. How do you like that? I just thought of it. Boycott Apple! Till such time as they give the security number.”

See, he just thought of it. Then Trump thought to reinforce his opinion with a tweet because the man can’t stop himself.

This is only one tweet of many, but unfortunately for Trump, people noticed that he’s been tweeting all day from an iPhone.

Trump doesn’t care that he’s an Apple stockholder either. He’s interested in pursuing justice, y’all.

For what it’s worth (and it ain’t much), Trump sort of acknowledged people calling him out for using an iPhone. He uses a Samsung too, so it’s fine. Nothing to see here.

(Via New York Times & Apple)