‘The Simpsons’ And ‘Breaking Bad’ Mashup Finally Has The Posters It Deserves

Last year we enjoyed a ridiculously good mashup of The Simpsons and Breaking Bad which cast Ned Flanders as Walter White and Bart Simpson as Jesse Pinkman. Now artist AKADoom has created the Breaking Ned series, the perfect posters to accompany the video. Oh that stupid sexy Flanders. It’s always the one you least suspect.

It turns out he does respect the chemistry, even if science is like a blabbermouth who ruins a movie by telling you how it ends. Or perhaps he doesn’t care for the speed, but he can’t get enough of that safety gear.

Our only neighborly complaint is that Ne is 10 on the periodic table, not 56 (Barium), but these are otherwise okily-dokily. Hustle your bustles down the page to check them out.

Breaking Ned #1 by AKADoom

Breaking Ned #2 by AKADoom

Breaking Ned #3 by AKADoom

(A tip-a-diddly-doo of the hat to Vulture and Pacalin.)