This Clip Proves Morgan Freeman Is You At Every Family Function When Food Is Involved

I’m not really big on family get-togethers, but I’m really big on food. This presents quite the conundrum come Thanksgiving, Christmas and every other celebration involving family and food. If I could just get my today and tomorrow plates without having to be reminded of that time I did something cute as a baby or having to explain why I’m not married yet, it would make life a teeny bit easier for me. But instead, I have to be “rude” and do like Morgan Freeman — show face, get what I came for, and get the hell out of dodge.

Freeman proved he was just like us during the Oscars ceremony on Sunday night when Chris Rock walked on stage with a box of Girl Scout cookies after Spotlight won the Oscar for Best Picture. Morgan Freeman spotted the cookies, and the 78-year-old actor nearly shoved everyone out of the way for a handful of treats. The best part of it all? Morgan walked right off stage without offering so much as a hug or a handshake to the Spotlight cast after getting his cookies. He came. He saw. He conquered.