A New Book Claims To Have Proof That Kris Jenner Really Did Orchestrate Kim Kardashian’s Sex Tape

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It’s always been rumored that Kim Kardashian’s leaked sex tape with ex-boyfriend Ray J wasn’t actually leaked at all, but was a carefully orchestrated ploy at fame (an obviously successful one) — despite the fact that she later sued Vivid Entertainment and settled for $5 million out of court. And now, a book about the famous family is claiming to prove just that.

In Kardashian Dynasty, author Ian Halperin did some digging and claims Kardashian had apparently been advised by a mutual friend of Paris Hilton’s (who obviously had a “leaked” tape of her own) that a sex tape would be her ticket to fame. But that’s not all he dug up, according to Page Six.

Halperin also says a former friend of Kim had told him, “It was Kris who engineered the deal behind the scenes and was responsible for the tape seeing the light of day,” although he added this had been long rumored in the showbiz world.

Halperin then posed as a porn peddler selling another celeb sex tape to speak to a Vivid spokesperson, who he says told him, “When it comes to . . . selling a sex tape, both parties need to sign off.”

So, basically, this is just alleging what we’ve all assumed for years now. Kardashian’s reps are naturally claiming that the assertions are false, but it doesn’t seem like it makes a difference either way. So what if their successful empire was built on lies? It’s not going to take back years of a reality series, video games, endorsement deals, so on and so forth. Kim Kardashian admitting that she leaked her own sex tape at this point would be like O.J. Simpson writing a book about actually committing those murders.

(Via Page Six)

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