Crazed Parents Once Again Ruined An Easter Egg Hunt For Children

In what looks like it’s becoming a new annual tradition, parents have once again turned an innocent Easter egg hunt for kids into a dangerous nightmare of screaming and fighting.

Last year we saw footage of an event that was hoping to break the world record for largest egg hunt with 510,000 eggs descend into madness as adults ignored rules and joined in on the fray to ensure their children got some swag. And now the same thing has happened in Orange, Conn. at an egg hunt organized by the local Pez factory.

The plan was to have staggered start times for different age groups, but that quickly went out the window as adults and children rushed one of the egg fields before the event even started, kicking off a free for all that ended any chance for the event to continue in an orderly fashion.

Pez General Manager Shawn Peterson told WPIX-TV the crowd “immediately moved to the third field, took over and removed everything well before the activity was to even start.”

“So we started talking to people and say ‘hey this is supposed to start at certain time.’ Well that lasted about a minute and everyone just rushed the field and took everything.”

Peterson said the crowd acted “kind of like locusts,” but that’s not a very nice comparison for the locusts. Apparently, children were trampled, eggs were stolen, and adults knocked children over during the fraccas.

And now Easter can join Thanksgiving as holidays that have a twisted, violent bent to them. I look forward to reading about various Eggpocalypses that go down across America in 2017 and beyond, because we obviously can’t have nice things any more.

(via WPIX-TV)