Some Mad Genius Is Photoshopping ’80s Kids Book Covers And It’s Hilarious

Twitter isn’t just for arguing and sexual harassment; there’s actually a lot of good stuff on there, including great parody accounts providing plenty of laughs. The latest account we’ve discovered that everyone needs to see is Paperback Paradise, a fake bookstore offering discount pricing on photoshopped children’s books. For anyone who grew up in the ’80s or in a neighborhood with a library full of ’80s books, you’ll recognize a lot of these.

From Hardy Boys to Nancy Drew to Sweet Valley Twins, the unknown genius running this Twitter account photoshops them all. All you teens out there with your fancy Young Adult books set in post-apocalyptic worlds, feast your eyes on the kind of crap the generation before you had to read. It’s all stories about high school and haunted houses and the special bond between a girl and her horse. I will admit that Babysitter’s Club was my jam … the rest is fit to be thrown away or, even better, photoshopped into hilarious and much more interesting sounding stories.

Check out Paperback Paradise’s Twitter page for all their children’s book remixes. For now, though, here are some of our favorites:

(via Paperback Paradise)