A Half-Hour Of Stunning New ‘Mirror’s Edge Catalyst’ Footage Will Give You Some Serious Vertigo

Warning: The video above and words below contain spoilers for Mirror’s Edge Catalyst, and definitely shouldn’t be watched by anyone afraid of heights.

Mirror’s Edge Catalyst, the must-anticipated follow-up to the 2008 cult-classic Mirror’s Edge, is definitely one of the more promising games on the near horizon. This time around, the first-person parkour action takes place in a full open world, and the graphics wizards at EA DICE seem to be doing some amazing things with the game’s world. Need more convincing? Well, we have almost 30-minutes of Mirror’s Edge Catalyst footage for you, courtesy of the folks at Polygon. The footage covers the game’s intro, as well as one later mission.

The footage kicks off with Mirror’s Edge protagonist Faith being released from a prison, then having to make an escape through the rainy streets of the dystopian city of Glass. The later mission sees you infiltrating a large skyscraper while trying to avoid detection. Mirror’s Edge Catalyst certainly looks great in action, although the developers seem to have gone even more over-the-top with the red “runner vision” that shows you which path to take. I suppose maybe it’s necessary given Catalyst’s more open level design.

Mirror’s Edge Catalyst will be holding a beta from April 22 to 26, although unfortunately sign-ups are closed. If you aren’t on the list for the beta, you’ll have to wait until May 24, when Mirror’s Edge Catalyst arrives on PC, Xbox One and PS4.

(via Polygon)