Men Pay Good Money For These Wrestling Models To Beat Them In The Ring

Men in positions of power are rumored to crave lady domination, and the appeal of female wrestlers remains undeniable. At a London gym, these two worlds collide in the form of Models Wrestling Management, which serves many happy customers seeking relief after a long work day. The company is the brainchild of Cam, an ex-model and boxer, who discovered a “massive gap” for such desires and gathered up a group of associates. Before long, the company built a solid client base of men who enjoy wearing superhero masks — the better to preserve anonymity — while the ladies unload on them.

For each session, men willingly shell out $200 for their choice of fantasy wrestling or bondage-type services. These models train hard to deliver the best possible experience, according to Cam: “The idea of real life models being able to fight and genuinely overpower a grown man is what is extremely appealing to the men.” One particularly notorious client is known to the ladies as Spidermouth. He knows exactly why he can’t stop visiting.

Spidermouth describes himself as a 54-year-old university professor, who finds himself burdened by both disposable income and extra energy. He appreciates the company’s respect for his anonymity and their no-fuss approach while catering to his desire to wrestle with pretty ladies.

Business is booming, as these photos reveal.

Hey, everyone’s getting what they want here, and no one gets hurt. Plus, the masks are kinda cool. Good on ya, Spidey.

(Via Metro and The Sun)