The ‘Doom’ Launch Trailer Is Full Of Splatter And Classic References For Longtime Fans

After nearly a decade in development, the next Doom is almost here. Unlike Doom 3, which took the venerable series in more of a survival-horror direction, the new Doom goes back to its over-the-top, action-packed roots. This Doom is the anti-cover shooter, where running up and shoving a grenade down a cyberdemon’s throat is almost always your best tactic.

Given Doom‘s back-to-basics approach, it’s appropriate that its launch trailer focuses on two things – references to the classic ’90s Doom games, and lots and lots of splattery violence. Near the beginning of the trailer, we focus on some armor that looks very much like the duds worn by the “Doom guy” from the old games, and the trailer ends with a cool reference to the original Doom cover art. You know the image I’m talking about…

Of course, the trailer is also packed with plenty of footage of demons getting decapitated, bisected by chainsaws, torn to pieces and blown into great gooey globs of meat. You never have to feel bad about reducing demons to a fine red mist, so send them back to hell along with any and all shades of grey. Doom isn’t about subtlety, dammit!

Speaking of lack of subtlety, here’s a very loud live-action Doom trailer we haven’t shown you yet.

Doom arrives to unleash hell on May 10.