Stanford Rapist Brock Turner Has Been Banned From USA Swimming For Life

Convicted rapist Brock Turner, the Stanford swimmer who was sentenced this week to just six months in prison for committing rape in 2015, would have likely received a longer sentence for being guilty of rape if not for judge Aaron Persky deciding to be lenient. However, he’ll face the lifelong consequence of not competing in the Olympics.

USA Swimming told USA Today on Friday that Turner, who raped an unconscious woman behind a dumpster, won’t be allowed to participate in any event sanctioned by the body ever.

“Brock Turner’s membership with USA Swimming expired at the end of the calendar year 2014,” USA Swimming spokesman Scott Leightman said in an email to USA TODAY Sports. “He was not a member at the time of his crime or since then. USA Swimming doesn’t have any jurisdiction over non-members.

“Brock Turner is not a member of USA Swimming and, should he apply, he would not be eligible for membership.  … Had he been a member, he would be subject to the USA Swimming Code of Conduct. USA Swimming strictly prohibits and has zero tolerance for sexual misconduct, with firm Code of Conduct policies in place, and severe penalties, including a permanent ban of membership, for those who violate our Code of Conduct.”

Persky’s reasoning for such a light sentence for rape, which is what Turner was convicted of, was fear for how it would affect the rapist’s life. It appears as though despite Persky’s best efforts, Turner won’t be able to swim at a high level after his release from prison after he serves his sentence for committing rape.

Things aren’t going all that well for Persky, who some would like to see removed from the bench, as 20 jurors recently refused to hear a case over which he was presiding.

(USA Today, CBS SF Bay Area)