People Are Showing Support For Orlando Victims With The Hashtag #TwoMenKissing

The horrific tragedy that occurred in Orlando this weekend wasn’t just an act of terror; it was also a hate crime. President Obama admitted this much as he addressed the country Sunday afternoon, a day when many across the country were celebrating Gay Pride Month with parades and events. While the world mourns the worst mass shooting in U.S. history, many in the LGBT community are refusing to let hate and terror win.

Such was the hashtag #TwoMenKissing (and later #TwoWomenKissing) that was born shortly after the attack, at the revelation from the shooter’s father that seeing “two men kissing” had set his son off. The hashtags have since gone incredibly viral on both Twitter and Instagram, fueled by those who are living proof that love will always win. If your heart is heavy from the headlines out of Orlando this week, these images are just the thing we need to reaffirm our faith in humankind.