Donald Trump Gives A Speech On Economics In Front Of A Giant Pile Of Trash

On Tuesday afternoon, presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump delivered a campaign speech in front of what appears to be an enormous pile of garbage. For the record, Trump’s chosen speaking venue is located at the Alumisource plant in Monessen, Pennsylvania, which the company built in 1980 to supply “specialized raw materials, material processing and blending solutions to the aluminum and steel industries.” So, what the New York real estate mogul is actually standing in front of is a wall composed of metal tubing, plastic bottles, aluminum cans and other recycled goods. Technically, it isn’t trash.

Not that this distinction would ever convince everyone on social media, which mostly ignored the details of Trump’s economy-focused speech. Instead, everyone with a Twitter handle and access to CNN, Fox News, Right Side Broadcasting or any other news outlet willing to carry the feed, spent their time pondering whose bright idea Trump’s placement and backdrop were.

Some responded with disbelief.

While the majority relished the opportunity to celebrate the televised, metaphorical garbage fire.

A few even offered guesses about what Trump would do to up the ante at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland. Considering that GOP organizers are struggling to plan the contested event, the Donald will need to do something drastic.

Check out the entire speech below.