Joe Biden Helped Wed Two Same-Sex White House Staffers At His Home

It’s going to be hard to say goodbye to Joe Biden as Vice President when he departs the job in January, and he seems intent on making it even more difficult to watch him walk into the sunset with Obama when that time comes. The latest line in the country’s collection of amazing Joe Biden pictures – most of them including some kind of ice cream cone thus far – comes from a wedding that Biden helped officiate in his home on Monday. Biden received a temporary officiating license in order to carry out the ceremony because the couple involved hold a special place in his heart.

The same-sex couple that tied the knot, Brian Mosteller and Joe Mahshie, are both White House staffers and as such have close relationships with the Vice President. According to Buzzfeed, the couple personally asked Biden to officiate and he happily obliged. The wedding itself was small and was attended by the newlyweds’ families. They missed an opportunity to have Fun Uncle Joe coordinate a large ice cream buffet though, which should have been at the top of their list if only for the priceless photo ops it would have presented.

The only way this could have been better is if Biden did it on the set of Law & Order: SVU. Now that’s how you capture the hearts and loyalty of an entire country.

(via Buzzfeed)