Donald Trump Buckles To Pressure And Endorses Paul Ryan And John McCain

Under the urging from other members of the Republican party and the threat of being dubbed a “loser”, Donald Trump buckled to pressure and officially endorsed Paul Ryan and John McCain for their prospective reelections.

Oh what a difference a week makes. Earlier this week, Trump was pretty adamant he had not made up his mind on whether he would back established GOP members during their reelection campaigns. The usual political decorum is that the presidential nominee while endorse everyone in their party; coming to rallies, shaking hands and putting on a grin till they’re out of public view. But Trump has bucked adhering to the usual political discourse. Under the the threat from a full on coup from the GOP, Trump relented, and endorsed Ryan and McCain at a rally in Green Bay, Wisconsin:

“We will have disagreements, but we will disagree as friends and never stop working together toward victory. And very importantly, toward real change. So in our shared mission, to make America great again, I support and endorse our speaker of the House, Paul Ryan. And while I’m at it, I hold in the highest esteem Sen. John McCain for his service to our country in uniform and in public office, and I fully support and endorse his re-election.”

The speech was one of the first times it looked like Trump was reading from a prepared speech. The real estate mogul is usually pretty proud of his off the cuff demeanor, but after the week he has had, he might have been urged to pack it in, grit his teeth and get through the endorsement. The Republican presidential nominee even used his Trump card – pun totally intended – and brought up the GOP’s favorite topic; Ronald Reagan. Trump quoted the Gipper, stating “My 80% friend is not my 20% enemy. We are going to be the big tent party.”

This may be an important turning point for Trump and Republicans. The party has been splintered since Trump won the nomination and presented the doom that awaits the country if he is elected. With this speech though he was pretty reserved and in some ways admitted, maybe I should play the game a bit.

(Via CNN)