RIP Twinkies, Wonder Bread

I want you to do me a favor. Follow this link and play this song as you read this post and let it be your soundtrack for it. Are you all set? Okay, let us all weep and remember the good ole days. Also, as soon as you get done reading this, be sure to run out and buy all the Hostess snacks you can find. The run on Twinkies is coming.

Reports the New York Times:

Hostess Brands says it is going out of business, closing plants that make Twinkies and Wonder Bread and laying off all of its 18,500 workers.

The Irving, Texas, company says a nationwide worker strike crippled its ability to make and deliver its products at several locations.

Hostess had warned employees that it would file a motion in U.S. Bankruptcy Court to unwind its business and sell assets if plant operations didn’t return to normal levels by Thursday evening.

The privately held company filed for Chapter 11 protection in January, its second trip through bankruptcy court in less than a decade.

Personally, I’m going to miss those Hostess cupcakes I’d treat myself to roughly once a year, usually when I was on a road trip and popped into a gas station with a raging sweet tooth, the most. I’m sure all of you Ding Dong and Zingers people are in mourning as well. But whatevs re: Wonder Bread, which for me will always be associated with a big nasty “welfare green pepper burgers.” Team Bunny Bread and Evangeline Maid.

Meanwhile, 18,000 people are going to lose their jobs right before the holidays. That’s way below average. This is obviously the fault of Mitt Romney and Bain Capital — actually there’s no evidence that they’re involved, but it feels right to blame them for it.

Poor America’s youth…

(Pic via)