Here’s How A Lone Modder Overhauled ‘GTA V’ To Help Breathe New Life Into It

Rockstar’s Grand Theft Auto V drew in many headlines when it launched, like GTA games are prone to doing. GTA games have always had controversial subject matter, mature themes and riffed pretty heavily on the satire. That being said, that shouldn’t be the only thing to take away from a game like Grand Theft Auto V, what often gets overlooked is that the game is absolutely gorgeous.

The world is huge, detailed and full of life, all of that and it still holds up over three years after its initial release. Yet, there is always room for improvement, which is what this new mod for the game looks to do in spades. The mod, GTA V Redux, is the work of one lone modder, Josh Romito, says Kotaku. The overhauls are actually relatively simple, stuff like upscaling the textures to 4k, creating new road textures, tweaking the vehicle weights and suspensions, adding global illumination and adding in some more life-like touches such as debris effects and pedestrians actually reaching for stuff that they drop.

This all comes in just when Grand Theft Auto V was perhaps starting to show a bit of rust around the edges. Originally released in 2013 for the Xbox 360 and PS3, a year later it got the HD treatment for Xbox One and PS4, then a few months later that was released on PC. Rockstar has been diligent about releasing updates for the online portion of the game, but nothing in the core game has really changed that much. There have been plenty of mods that have spruced the game up, but this new mod really adds in just the right touches that most players would be looking for to make an older game look new again.

(Via Kotaku)