Tim Kaine Talks Up Clinton’s Debate Expectations And Predicts She’ll Bring Her ‘A-Plus Game’

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With the first presidential debates a mere few hours away, people are making their predictions on who will come out on top. But one person who feels Hillary Clinton will knock it out of the park is her running mate, Tim Kaine.

The Democratic vice presidential pick said Clinton would emerge victorious on Monday, and Donald Trump will stumble. Politico reports Kaine’s confidence not only in his boss, but also in what he sees as a guaranteed Donald Trump stumble when it comes to discussing policy specifics. Kaine thinks the Republican presidential nominee will also face difficulties with questions about Trump University and the Trump Foundation:

“When the lights are bright like they are now she brings the A-plus game. She’ll be very, very good tomorrow. Donald Trump’s a performer and an entertainer, I’m not taking that away from him. But he can’t get away with the 15-second thing and then walking away. No, it’s 90 minutes, mano y mano.”

Kaine does make a solid point, as Trump has dominated the soundbite market this election cycle, but his prowess in the long form interview has been a bit questionable. You can look at Matt Lauer’s softball interview with the Donald or the awkward moment when he was asked about the Trump Foundation. He tends to drop the ball when it comes to the specifics. Kaine backs up his claim by saying Trump can’t even give a straight answer about his tax returns:

“You’re going to see him have to get into specifics and Hillary too. But we’re going to see who can answer the specific questions. I mean Donald Trump hasn’t answered a basic question that’s been asked of presidential candidates: show us your tax returns.”

Monday night is sure to be a barn-burner, with the two presidential candidates finally going toe to toe. There are certainly going to be insults flying both ways, but here’s hoping we get some actual policy stances from Trump.

(Via Politico)

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