Katrina Pierson: Hip-Hop Culture’s Influence On Trump Caused Him To Say Those Gross, Rape-y Things

Everyone’s favorite Donald Trump spokesperson, Katrina Pierson, is back making the media rounds for the Republican presidential nominee. On Tuesday, Pierson stopped by CNN to say hip-hop culture, for which she said Trump is involved with, is to blame for his 2005 “locker room banter.”

Pierson is known for her headline-grabbing excuses for Trump, but this latest defense seems like an odd one to make. Pierson blamed hip-hop culture and the entertainment industry for Trump’s lewd remarks. Pierson’s rationale is hip-hop culture and other factors have fueled this type of attitude:

“I do quite find it rich that we have Democrats and the left talking about rape culture, when they are the ones backed fully by Hollywood. This rape culture is purported by none other than the entertainment industry, none other than by hip hop music, which can you hear on local radio stations, as well as network television which actually pushes this.”

CNN Anchor Carol Costello and guest panelist Angela Rye looked visibly shocked at Pierson’s assertion. Costello said she agreed with some of Pierson’s claims, but questioned whether she really meant them:

“This is a larger issue and I do agree with you Katrina because we should talk about this because the way sexual assault is portrayed in some Hollywood movies is wrong. But does that make what Mr. Trump said right?…I don’t know if you really mean them or if you’re just deflecting to excuse Mr. Trump’s comments and there is a difference.”

Costello makes a valid point about Pierson’s comments only being a deflection and not a real point, which has seemed to be her MO on the campaign trail. Pierson then went on to call out Hillary Clinton and other issues, which Costello abruptly put a stop to, as the interview was in danger of going down a confusing rabbit hole.

Trump even being mentioned in the same breath as hip-hop culture seems like a bit of a stretch, but Pierson is not the first Trump surrogate to blame hip-hop culture for his comments. Dr. Ben Carson mentioned his comments were on par with rap lyrics we hear today, but to merely blame outside factors for his comments does not seem like a justifiable response.

(Via CNN & Politico)

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