We’ve Reached Peak Bone Zone With Ken Bone’s Official T-Shirts

Like Chewbacca Mom before him, Ken Bone has become something of an internet folk hero. Between late night appearances, porn offers, and wardrobe malfunctions, Bone is checking off each of the usual boxes. Still, as our interview with the debate breakout shows, Bone is one of the nicer dudes to find internet fame. We may never know who he’s actually going to support on November 8th, but at least he’s using his new bit of influence to encourage his 192K Twitter followers to vote. You’re a good man, Ken Bone, and we love you for more than just your fashion sense. In an increasingly unhinged election, Ken Bone is a symbol of the average American that we can all cling to.

However, is there such a thing as too much Bone Zone? While certainly not horrifying like the “sexy Ken Bone” Halloween costume, Bone is capitalizing on his newfound fame with official t-shirts. Offering America hope and a red sweater, you can now emblazon your chest with BONE. The shirts can be purchased at Represent, so I guess your Christmas shopping is already done. Bone shirts for everyone on your list!

Now all we have to do is wait for the inevitable action figure and autograph circuit and the cycle will be complete.

(Via Twitter)