Amy Schumer Caused A Mass Exodus At A Florida Comedy Show By Slamming Donald Trump

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Amy Schumer enraged Donald Trump supporters during a comedy show in Florida Sunday night after she referred to the Republican candidate as an “orange, sexual-assaulting, fake-college-starting monster.” Booing started about halfway though the show from a reported “vocal, but small minority” of attendees at Tampa’s Amalie Arena, when Schumer steered the topic into territory such as gun control and the upcoming presidential election. All told, about 200 people eventually walked out.

It’s unclear what the crowd was expecting, as Schumer has been an ardent Hillary Clinton supporter as well as a vocal advocate for gun control — a cause she has publicly championed and even featured on her Comedy Central show. It seemed to be the slamming of Trump, however, that the crowd took the most umbrage with.

She made it clear she doesn’t understand how people can support Trump. At one point, she asked for a Trump supporter – preferably one with sleeves, she told security personnel – to join her up on stage to explain their enthusiasm for Trump. One fellow did, but he said he was voting for Trump mainly because he doesn’t trust Clinton. When some audience members booed, the actor/comedian invited them to leave and also asked security to remove anyone booing.

“I don’t want to hear that. We wanted to have a good night without distractions with the politics,” said Bryon Nfinger. “It’s a bit much,” echoed his wife, Chrissy Nfinger. They both said everybody has a right to their opinion but thought Schumer went on too long. “The show became political. I definitely didn’t come to hear this,” said Ryan Atwood.

It’s understandable that the crowd would want to attend a comedy show to get a respite from current events, but at the same time at just three weeks out, the election is hard to ignore.

Many took to Twitter to thank Schumer for the evening’s performance, particularly when she invited victims of sexual assault in the audience to stand up, referencing the allegations against Trump.

Earlier in the day prior to Sunday’s show, Schumer also took part in a voter registration event in Florida for Clinton’s campaign.

(Tampa Bay Times via NY Mag)