A Defeated Trump Loses It Near The End Of The Debate, Calls Hillary ‘A Nasty Woman’

As Wednesday night’s third and final debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump wore on, it almost seemed like the Republican presidential nominee had been debate-prepped into submission. But 90 minutes of stumbling through a monologue about the Supreme Court, getting worked up over immigration, and defending his relationship (or lack thereof) with Vladimir Putin eventually wore his patience thin.

During an exchange about social entitlement programs — the last of six 15-minute debate segments moderated by Fox News’ Chris Wallace — the Republican nominee for president couldn’t help but interject when provoked by Clinton during her answer, calling her a “nasty woman” for poking fun at his history of not paying taxes.

“My Social Security payroll contribution will go up,” Clinton was saying of her plan to expand Social Security. “As will Donald’s if he can’t figure out how to get out of it. But what we want to do is replenish the Social Security trust fund –”

“Such a nasty woman!” Trump interjected, leaning into his microphone. But Clinton continued to push through, unfazed by her opponent after months of back and forth. “–by making sure that we have sufficient resources,” she finished. “And that will come from either raising the cap and or finding other ways to get money into it. I will not cut benefits.”