Would You Like A Taco Bell Speedo? All You Have To Do Is Ask For One On Facebook

I’d like to preface this amazing story of free swag by saying that I love Taco Bell. If I were stranded on a deserted island and I could only have one food for the rest of eternity (I’m immortal in this hypothetical story, naturally) it would be Volcano Tacos. That cheese sauce is just so damned delicious. I’m convinced it’s made of heroin and unicorn tears. Unfortunately, it appears that someone out there loves Taco Bell even more than I. His name is Ryan Klarner, he’s a high school student in Palatine, Illinois, and he’s one of the smartest people to have ever walked this Earth.

On December 20, for no reason other than he just thought about doing it, Klarner shared an interesting sponsorship idea with Taco Bell on the company’s Facebook page, and the result was nothing short of awesome fire sauce.

Of course, it could have just stopped right there, with Taco Bell looking like the good guy for making a promise, and none of us would ever know if the fast food chain came through or not. Luckily, the HuffPo reached out to Taco Bell to see if Klarner was actually getting his custom Speedo or not, and apparently the Bell is a company of its palabra:

“This Facebook fan caught our attention because of his passion for the brand and the way he Lives Mas with Taco Bell,” Tressie Lieberman, Taco Bell’s director of digital and social engagement, wrote in an e-mail to HuffPost in reference to the chain’s new slogan. “We are going to deliver on the fan’s original request, and also send him a Speedo that represents our new branding, Live Mas.”

I’m jealous. Granted, I’m not exactly Speedo material so I would never wear one, but I’m still jealous. Maybe if Taco Bell wanted to send me a half-shirt that reads something like, “I blow my top for Volcano Tacos” or something like that, I could wear that. But Klarner’s on his own with the Speedo.

However, as great of a social media story as this is, I’d just like to make a quick plea to Arby’s – No women’s panties, please. I won’t get into the specifics, but just trust me on this one.

UPDATE: If this post inspires more of our readers to visit Taco Bell’s Facebook page and demand product-related clothing, I will be elated.