‘Mind MGMT’ Is Getting The Movie Treatment. Courtesy Of Ridley Scott No Less

Dark Horse Comics is on a bit of a roll right now, and one of their best current series is Matt Kindt’s Mind MGMT. The art style of Mind MGMT may scream “indie drama”, but trust me, it’s actually a weird, twisted story about murderous psychic spies. You should give it read — it seems like Ridley Scott has!

Yes, Ridley Scott is going to be producing a movie version of Mind MGMT for 20th Century Fox. Unfortunately the sequel to Prometheus will likely be keeping Scott pretty busy, so he won’t be directing.

If you’re taking suggestions Fox, I think Tomas Alfredson, the guy behind the original Swedish Let The Right One In and Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy would be a great choice to direct. Also, if you really are taking suggestions Fox, I have some great ideas for a Married With Children movie. Call me.

via The Hollywood Reporter