Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s Twitter Account Was Pretty Creepy Leading Up To The Boston Marathon Bombing

It’s obviously tough to determine what someone’s Tweets mean on any given day when you have little-to-no context, so it goes without saying that it’s considerably harder to know what Dzhokhar Tsarnaev (AKA Boston Marathon bombing suspect No. 2) was thinking or meaning with some of the Tweets that were on his actual Twitter account’s timeline leading up to this week’s horrific events in Boston.

However, our friends at BroBible, among others, determined that Tsarnaev’s Twitter handle was indeed @j_tsar, which made sense once it was learned that his friends at school referred to him as “Johar” or “Jahar”. Either way, as the younger Tsarnaev clings to life after last night’s intense manhunt led to him being found in a boat in someone’s backyard, and after he lost a considerable amount of blood, people want answers.

Of course, until Tsarnaev speaks (if he ever does), many people are trying to get answers from his Twitter account, and without proper context, that means that a lot of his Tweets seem rather foreboding.







As TMZ so importantly pointed out, Tsarnaev also liked to Tweet rap lyrics because he is a big fan of hip hop, meaning that this has just been the roughest week of Coolio’s life.

Obviously, Tsarnaev is in no position to be Tweeting right now, and if he does we’ll know this account is, like so many others that popped up this week, a hoax. But that hasn’t stopped his follower count from jumping from a little more than 300 to more than 83,000. Those more eyebrow-raising Tweets have also been RT’d like crazy, meaning that everyone and their grandmother is trying to figure out what the hell this guy was thinking.

I’m sure we’d all like a better idea of what the hell just happened, so here’s to hoping Boston’s finest can keep him alive to find out.