Kurt Cobain’s Daughter Criticized A Kardashian Sister For Tweeting About How Tough Life Is

Technically, a Kardashian half sister, but they all come from the same unfiltered, dirty-leaves ridden gene pool, so no difference. Anyway, Frances Bean Cobain, who’s 20 years old and now you feel ancient, tore into 17-year-old Kendall Jenner after she whined on Twitter, “Just wish things could be easier sometimes mann.”

I wouldn’t have felt bad, were it not for that extra “n.” Now I pity the English language.

Later Cobain tweeted, “I’d like to thank my parents for providing me with a high IQ & I’d like to thank my grams for encouraging me not to be a self absorbed idiot,” which is the first nice thing anyone has said about Courtney since…ever? Jenner’s response: “i am aware that i am very privileged and blessed, and im thankful for that everyday, i know there are greater problems in the world. i pray for those people every night…so who are u to judge me?” Meanwhile, Jerry Cantrell is already gearing up for an Instagram war with Kim and Kanye’s spawn.

(Via Gawker)