The Super Mario Bros. Movie Is 20-Years-Old. Celebrate With John Leguizamo And A Sequel Webcomic.

Believe it or not, the Super Mario Bros. movie recently celebrated its 20th anniversary — and yet the pain is still so fresh. But hey, the movie actually has its fans! Fans who managed to get John Leguizamo to record a message that was shown before a recent midnight showing. Fans who are collaborating with the movie’s writer Parker Bennet on a semi-official webcomic sequel to the movie.

Hit the jump for John Leguizamo’s inspiring message and the first page of the sequel comic…

Okay, now where’s the Bob Hoskins video?

Yup, those appear to be shy guys on the first page. Check out the Super Mario Bros. 2 website right here — several new pages just went up.

via Destructoid here & here