The Casey Anthony Trial As Told By Twitter Parody Accounts

If you’re unfamiliar with the 140-character world of Twitter, then you’re probably unaware that there are thousands of celebrity parody accounts currently providing cheap laughs for their followers. (You’re also probably either in a coma or living under a slab of granite, but we’ll deal with that another time.) This also extends to news and current events, as evidenced by the variety of Twitter parody accounts that have surfaced throughout the Casey Anthony trial in Orlando, FL.
At the core of this trial is a tragic story, but it has been overshadowed by a typical media circus, as fights have broken out between people waiting in the trial audience line, a man was arrested and fined for flipping the bird to the trial cameras, a local news team’s legal expert planked their desk, and YouTube conspiracy theorists believe the whole trial is a figment of our imaginations, created to enforce archaic laws. And added to all of that is a slew of Twitter comedians who have carried this circus to today’s eventual verdict of not guilty on charges of murder and manslaughter.
There are dozens of accounts that I looked at, most of them just retweeting each other or begging followers to RT them to become trending topics. But some of them provide insight while others provide cheap laughs. Decide for yourselves whether these are funny or if they exceed the boundaries of inappropriateness.

State Prosecutor Jeff Ashton parody (@JeffAshtonFlori)
Defense Attorney Jose Baez parody (@BaezDefense101)
Judge Perry Belvin parody (@JudgeBelvin)
Judge Perry Belvin (@BelvinPerryJr)
Spectator Matt Bartlett, who was sentenced to six days in jail for flipping his middle finger to a camera behind Ashton during the trial. (@MattyBartlett)
And even a parody account for the roll of duct tape that has been a key piece of evidence. (@Henkel_DuctTape)