‘Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag’ Drops A Bounteous Pair Of E3 Trailers

Ubisoft unveiled two long trailers for Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag at E3. They show off the early 1700s Caribbean pirate life of Captain Edward Kenway, the grandfather of Conner Kenway of Assassin’s Creed III. The first trailer is a purely CG cinematic trailer in which Kenway initiates a bar brawl with a nod before taking the battle to the sea, set to the song “Brennisteinn” by Sigur Rós. We can sum up the bar fight with two pictures.

Alcohol abuse.

The second trailer includes actual gameplay footage, hinting at the improved naval battles, open-world exploration and combat, underwater diving, and PETA-enraging whale harpooning. That’s set to the song “Full Circle” by Half Moon Run.

It’s not a live demo, but we’ll take whatever Assassin’s Creed IV videos we can get. Especially if the next trailer is just three minutes of Edward Kenway cinematically punching a whale.

Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag releases October 29th.

(H/T: PC Gamer)