Naughty Dog Really Wants Seth Rogen To Make The ‘Uncharted’ Movie

Every game studio has a director or directing team they would like to tackle their beloved franchise. Naughty Dog, in the case of Uncharted, has a very specific choice in mind… Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg. And apparently even though Rogen and Goldberg have said no, they won’t stop asking.

Probably the asking is just going to become more intense: Rogen’s co-directorial debut, This Is The End, has racked up $64 million in two weeks, doubling its budget and bringing demon dong to a grateful America. But Rogen and Goldberg have turned them down every time, for a specific reason:

Goldberg went on to reveal they’ve been asked multiple times over the last four years, but have declined the job, despite being huge fans of the games, because they can’t think of the right treatment. “It’s just going to be Indiana Jones,” says Goldberg. “If we could figure out a way to make it not Indiana Jones, it’d be awesome.”

Uncharted has been stuck in development hell for six years now. True, part of that is that Sony made the mistake of bringing David O. Russell on board, you know, because the guy who made I Heart Huckabees and a movie about accidentally banging your mom, that’s who you think when you think “action movie”.

Honestly, it’s likely Uncharted will be made eventually. There’s nothing Hollywood likes more than repeating an idea that’s already been proven to make money, and they’ll eventually find a director who’s willing to go for it. Of course, it’ll probably be somebody like Stephen Sommers, but, hey, maybe he can still put in some demon dong.