It’s Always Sunny in Pacific Rim, A Game Of Hodor, And Other Mashups

Good afternoon you princes of Maine, you kings of New England, you stalkers of sexy, sexy aliens. Here are all the mashup and parody videos I didn’t get a chance to cover, thrown in your face like you’re Jodie Foster working for the FBI.

In the offing for today:

  1. FIRST VIDEO: WILD CARD! Charlie Day stars in both Pacific Rim and “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia”, so it was only amount of time before we’d see an episode which should be titled, “Charlie Cancels the Apocalypse”. [via Unreality]
  2. SECOND VIDEO: This trailer for World War G, a movie “based on a conservative fever dream”, is pretty fabulous. [via The Awesomer]
  3. THIRD VIDEO: The HUB Network remade a Man Of Steel trailer with the voice actors behind Superman: The Animated Series and clips from the cartoon. [via Geeks Are Sexy]
  4. FOURTH VIDEO: In The Game Of Hodor, you Hodor or you Hodor Hodor. [via Laugh It Up]
  5. Banner picture: One of the six Jaeger puns based on the nation posters for Pacific Rim. [via]
  6. Inset picture: Doaly made this Pacific Rim poster based on The Great Wave off Kanagawa by Katsushika Hokusai. More fan-made posters are available at Geek Art. [via The Mary Sue]