‘The Daily Show’ Suggests That Florida Change Its Nickname To ‘The Worst State’

“This is an awful story.” John Oliver hasn’t been sitting in Jon Stewart’s still-warm, surprisingly comfy seat for very long, but even if he hosted The Daily Show for three years, not three months, I doubt you’d see him more riled up and emphatic than he was last night, when he discussed just how truly f*cked up Florida is.

And not in a fun, they-found-a-big-ass-yellow-jacket-nest-from-the-dinosaur-ages kind of way; no, last night, Oliver had to talk about the George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin verdict. Right off the bat, he admitted that everyone was excited to get back to work after a two-week vacation, “until about 10 p.m. on Saturday night.” From there, Oliver tried to make sense of the impossible to understand, and could only end up concluding that Mickey Mouse isn’t waving welcome to you at Disney Land; he’s actually saying, “Please get me the f*ck out of here.”

“The Worst State”? Not quite (West Virginia doesn’t have a Burnsy or fake Springfield), but it’s damn close.

Oh yeah, and the lights exploded right before Oliver interviewed Aaron Sorkin. It’s the bloggers’ fault.