Warner Brothers wants to send two fans to the ‘Beautiful Creatures’ set

If you follow me on Twitter, you already know that two weeks ago, I spent a day on the set of Warner Brothers’ adaptation of Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl’s “Beautiful Creatures” in and around New Orleans.
Most of that set visit is, of course, under embargo and I can’t say much more than I tweeted: Emmy Rossum brought us melon water. The young folks in the cast — including Rossum, Alden Ehrehreich, Zoey Deutch and Thomas Mann — are friendly, pretty and well-spoken and the more mature folks in the cast — Jeremy Irons, Emma Thompson, Viola Davis — are on a level you might not expect for a film based on books that can be found in the Teen Occult Romance section at your local Barnes & Noble. 
But enough about *my* set visit for now. I’ve read the first book in the “Beautiful Creatures” series and I could start on the second book at any time, but that just means that I’m a reporter who likes to do his homework. I know that the books have passionate devotees. 
And the most dedicated of “Beautiful Creatures” readers would probably be mighty excited about the chance to do for pleasure what I already did on a professional level: Visit the set. 
So this seemed like a good place to mention that Warner Brothers has launched a video submission contest for TWO fans (and guests) to fly to New Orleans, visit the set and interview Garcia & Stohl. And you won’t have long to wait, because the visit is on Tuesday, May 29. Yup. Time is short. 
All you have to do is create a 1-2 minute video explaining why you’re the biggest fan of the books and why you’d want to see Lena and Ethan and the rest of the Gatlin County world brought to life. Easy, right?
But PLEASE, don’t send them to me. I’m just mentioning the existence of this contest and teasing that I’ll have set visit content someday. I have NOTHING to do with watching contest entries or determining a winner. 
Warner Brothers has set up a contest website HERE
And there’s more information at the “Beautiful Creatures” Facebook page.
Enough plugging.
Back to my TV upfronts coverage…