With Steven Soderbergh evidently in brisk entertainer mode, Channing Tatum and Matthew McConaughey both coming into career form and a raunchy, lickety-split trailer doused in Rihanna, I walked into “Magic Mike” last night expecting some summery fun. Even I, however, was surprised to be greeted with top-drawer Soderbergh: a grown-up, disarmingly classical riff on Hollywood backstage-musical tropes, sure to remain one of the year’s smartest studio films. Tatum, in case “21 Jump Street” hadn’t underlined the point, has rare star quality; Alex Pettyfer, who hadn’t threatened such promise until now, is a revelation. And could Oscar attention await McConaughey’s delightfully skeezy supporting turn, or Reid Carolin’s lithe original script? Who knows? If you’re planning on catching it this weekend, be sure to share your thoughts below, and your rating above.