Recap: ‘The X Factor’ – Judges’ Homes #3 – Judgement Night

Due to a rain delay at the National League Championship Series, tonight’s “X Factor” was delayed indefinitely and I used the extra time to watch “Survivor: Philippines” (but not to write my recap) just yet. 

The episode, which inexplicably is being simulcast on the West Coast, started at 8:40 ET and 5:40 Pacific as I was still finishing watching “Survivor.”

Now, I’m gonna do a semi-live-blog and see how fast I can catch up to actual (canned) live. This should be fun!

Click through to see who made it to the Top 16 and will get to compete in the live shows…

8:44 p.m. We’re starting with Britney Spears and the Teens. The kids are all feeling good about themselves and they’ve all got their parents their to buck them up. Britney Spears says that she thought she knew how she was going to pick, but that the performances changed her mind completely. If only she’d also changed her feelings about her Kool-Aid extensions.

8:46 p.m. I get the sense we’re starting with Diamond White, because we’re revisiting her journey first. “I think I did enough yesterday that I wouldn’t go back and change anything. Britney praises her earrings and tells Diamond that she brought life to her performance, but she was a little nervous. She’s made her decision… DIAMOND WHITE is the first person in the Top 16. This is a dream come true for Diamond, who calls her nana. Britney’s happy, too!

8:47 p.m. But what of Carly Rose Sonenclar? Surely she’s a no-brainer. She was the standout in last week’s episode. At only 13, she may be the most technically proficient singer in this competition, which is kinda astounding.  “If I have to go back to my hometown and my regular life, it would just be so disappointing,” Carly says. Tell me about it! Britney raves about Carly’s technique and calls her “stunning” and “amazing.” But Britney warns Carly that mere talent isn’t enough. It’s no surprise that CARLY ROSE SONENCLAR is the second person in the Top 16. No eighth grade for her! “I’m so excited,” she gushes. 

8:54 p.m. That’s two through and four more awaiting their fates. Everybody’s twitching and fiddling nervously. Arin Ray has been through this once before, but he was with a group last time. He’s up next, practically the elder statesman of this category. “I have to hear a yes,” Arin says. Britney thought a lot of things about Arin’s performance were amazing, including his confidence and charisma. But Britney isn’t sure if Arin will stand out on stage. She’s made her decision. ARIN RAY is on to the Top 16. Arin’s mind is doing a crazy-dance and going bananas. He gets hugs from Diamond and Carly. 

9:00 p.m. Beatrice Miller is a basket case. She’s really talented, but she concerns me. A lot. James Tanner thinks this moment can change his life. He also keeps calling himself a rapper, even though he was pretty weak in the performance we saw. The idea that he’s calling himself a “rapper” is almost an insult. James sits down and tells Britney that she looks “pretty” and she calls him “charming.” Britney praises his persona, but she doesn’t know if he’s where he’s supposed to be. James Tanner is the night’s first rejected contestant. “You’re going home, sweetie,” she tells him. James cries and calls it a let-down. “That’s horrible,” Britney says of heart-breaking. Poor James walks by the three happy contestants and is reassured by his father. “I’m gonna miss JT. He was so fun,” Diamond says. “I lost my bud, man,” Arin says.

9:02 p.m. It’s down to Beatrice and Reed. In my opinion, Reed should be going home. “The rest of my life revolves around a certain word,” Beatrice says. Poor girl needs a better sense of validation. “This is the climax of my life,” says Reed, who’s 13. He can’t face the idea of going back to his family and friends without Britney’s acceptance.  “I don’t see any career option for me but music,” Reed says. Britney thinks Reed needs more training, including learning to use his breath and stomach correctly. Britney feels like Beatrice was better at the auditions. She’s made her decision…

9:03 p.m. Britney tells Reed that he’s going home. Wow. Britney made exactly the two correct cuts. “Life has crazy ways of working,” Reed says. BEATRICE MILLER is in the Top 16. And she’s a happy wreck. The other winners are happy to hug her. I really hope she’s OK. “My team are going to give the other judges a run for their money,” Britney says. “I’ve been in their shoes. I know what it’s like,” Britney says. 

9:09 p.m. Time for the Geriatrics, where L.A. Reid is backing down from two full episodes of complaining about the group he was stuck with. “For most of these contestants, this is the very last chance,” says L.A. Reid, who fears that the rejected contestants will be made into glue.

9:10 p.m. David Correy worries part of him will die if he’s sent away. And yes, David Correy really hopes to meet his birth mom, which he thinks makes him want this more than anybody else. Will L.A. Reid agree? “There are so many thing about you that I really, really like,” L.A. Reid says, though he’s worried about how David will fit in the pop culture landscape. DAVID CORREY is the first of the Geriatrics to advance to the Top 16. “I’ve never been so happy in my life,” David says, giving a shout-out to his birth mother. I think he wants to meet her.

9:14 p.m. Daryl Black has been “on the grind” his whole life and he thinks this is his last chance. “If it was all over today, I’d be crushed,” he says. L.A. Reid tells Daryl that he likes him and that he reminds him of himself. However… L.A. Reid wants “fire” and “stardom.” Unfortunately, he doesn’t see those things in Daryl, who is the first person cut from this group. Cue the sniffly Coldplay. “Damn, bro,” David Correy says when Daryl returns devastated. “I really respect L.A., but today he made a mistake,” Daryl says.

9:16 p.m. Jason Brock has always wanted to be a star. “In my life, I have never gotten validation. No one’s ever believed in me,” Jason says. To make matters worse, Jason’s just be fired from his tech support job and he doesn’t know what he’ll do if he gets a “No.” L.A. Reid loves Jason’s voice, but he isn’t sure that he fits. JASON BROCK is in the Top 16. At least in the short term, he won’t have to worry about getting a new job. 

9:25 p.m. This means everything for Tate Stevens. Geez. This means a lot to a lot of people, doesn’t it? I’m not sure that it’s necessary to hear from everybody, though. L.A. Reid was really impressed from Tate’s first performance and that people pull for him. What Tate may lack, however, is confidence. After seemingly endless hemming-and-hawing from L.A. Reid… TATE STEVENS is in the Top 16. “Today is a huge day for me and my family,” says Tate, who’s also psyched to finally have validation. 

9:27 p.m. It’s down to Vino Alan and Tara Simon. One of these people has a tremendous voice and a heartbreaking story. The other is pretty and could be marketable. The inevitability of the choice makes me sad. “I’ve been taking ‘Nos’ that should have been ‘Yeses,'” says the insufferable Tara Simon. She’s pretty cocky about this whole experience and she’s sure that she’s advancing. “Do people judge me by the way I look? Only every day, all day,” says the heavily tattooed Vino Alan. You’ve got my vote, Vino. But what of L.A. Reid? He loves Tara’s fire and competitive nature. He loves Vino’s vocal tone. This is hard for L.A. Reid and that’s what’s important, I guess.

9:29 p.m. It’s the end of the road for Tara Simon. Wow. L.A. Reid made the right choice, too. Everybody’s making the right choices tonight. “He just got rid of somebody who could be Kelly Clarkson or Carrie Underwood or Christina Aguilera,” Simon rants. Meanwhile, VINO ALAN is in the Top 16.

9:30 p.m. Yeah. I’m surprised Britney rejected both Bieber lookalikes and that L.A. Reid resisted the over-singing hot chick.

9:36 p.m. Time for Demi Lovato’s Young Adults. I’d boot Willie Jones and Nick Youngerman. Will she?

9:37 p.m. We’re starting with Jennel Garcia, who says this is everything for her. This is it for her. Because otherwise, she’ll just be cute, talented teenage girl without “X Factor” approval and who would ever want to be such a horrible thing. Demi tells Jennel that there’s no doubt she has an incredible voice, but she’s worried that Jennel is insecure with her performance. JENNEL GARCIA is, of course in the Top 16.

9:39 p.m. Time for Willie Jones, who needs to escape Shreveport in order to fulfill his dreams. He’s going to be heartbroken if he gets sent home. Demi tells Willie Jones that he’s completely unique, but she feels like there’s an inner-battle in his head. This isn’t true at all. Willie is 100 percent country and because of his race, this is both his biggest advantage and his biggest disadvantage. In this case, it’s an advantage. WILLIE JONES is inexplicably in the Top 16. That’s the first mistake pick of the night.


Anyway, “The X Factor” will air again on Tuesday night. That was idiotic.