Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak is filming a ‘The Woz’ reality show

Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak is filming a “The Woz” reality show
The “Dancing with the Stars” alum is teaming with Kari Byron from “MythBusters” on a show where Wozniak tests futuristic gadgets hands-on. It”s unclear which network will air “The Woz,” but it was apparently pitched to Discovery Channel.

“The Comeback's” comeback has been a ratings flop for HBO
Recent episodes of the Lisa Kudrow comedy have ranked as the least-watched scripted series in all of cable.

Why is NBC bum-rushing “Parks and Rec” out the door?
A final season of seven weeks of two episodes of week shows that the Peacock can”t wait to get rid of the acclaimed comedy. As James Poniewozik notes, “If you recall the lengthy, loving sendoffs the network gave 'The Office,” ‘Friends,” ‘Seinfeld,' even the low-rated '30 Rock,' this is… not that. This is an effort to give closure to a critically acclaimed, low-rated show, but as fast as possible short of tying it to a brick and throwing it through your window while peeling off in its Dad”s Camaro.

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Aaron Paul is hosting a Discovery special disguised as an ad for the movie “Exodus”
“Surviving Exodus,” airing Thursday, will feature many Discovery personalities. But viewers won”t be explicitly told that the special is a commercial for the upcoming Bible-themed film “Exodus: Gods and Kings.”

Ellen gets “Scandal” stars to put her props on their show
Tony Goldwyn won $5,000 for his favorite charity by putting Ellen”s urn in a scene.

Why Mindy from “The Mindy Project” the best TV character of 2014
“Cumulatively,” says Nosheen Iqbal, “it could be too deliberately gross-out and easy but, in 2014, Lahiri seems to be the only female character on TV who will … consistently go on about how hot she is, while looking and meaning it. And she pulls a succession of conventionally hot men and pushes to the limits how much sex, nudity and blueness can be handled in a four-act network show, writing to ad breaks, for a mass audience. It”s radical.”

Claim: “There”s not enough sex on pay cable”!
“If you ever said there”s not enough sex on pay cable,” says Adam Sternbergh, “people would say you”re crazy, but there”s not enough sex on pay cable. Or at least not enough different kinds of sex. As pay-cable auteurs get over the novelty of setting every other scene in a strip bar (or if it”s a period show, a brothel) just because they can, there”s a real chance to make TV shows about grown-ups having sex or, better yet, TV shows about grown-ups in which just one element of being grown-up is having sex.”

46 TV shows shoot in Atlanta
The majority are scripted shows like “The Walking Dead,” “Vampire Dairies” and “Devious Maids.”

“The Newsroom” goes back to “mansplaining”
Aaron Sorkin”s worst tendencies were on display in this week”s episode.

“Teen Mom 2” star arrested on domestic stalking charges
Adam Lind was jailed  Sunday in South Dakota, but no details on his case were released.

“The Walking Dead”s” Andrew Lincoln: “That was such a body blow”
He says of last night”s midseason finale: “Always when you get about three episodes without a death you know it doesn”t bode well.” Check out these retro posters inspired by “Walking Dead,” and how are all the “Walking Dead” women able to shave their armpit hair?

Are the rise of TV screen caps a cheap use of someone else”s content?
Photos of TV show scenes with superimposed text offer a new way to celebrate content on the web. But are screen cappers violating copyrighted content?

“Broad City” stars help you get through holiday party season
Check out their handy guide to holiday parties.

Andy Cohen to The Onion: Don”t use my dad in your fake story!
The fake newspaper apparently bloodied up the Bravo star”s dad for a story by the “CEO” of “Dynamic Solutions.”

Vanity Fair writer “felt like a jerk” when Jimmy Kimmel picked up his Bob Newhart “mean tweet”
“How old is Bob Newhart now, about 120?” wrote Mike Hogan back on Jan. 8. While the “mean tweet” was really that mean, Hogan says, “I felt like a jerk. And also, weirdly, like a celebrity in my own right. Or at least an accomplished joke writer. I couldn”t believe how perfect Newhart”s delivery was. It”s as if I had written it with the goal of getting him to say it. (Believe me, I hadn”t.)”

In defense of Katherine Heigl
There are many famous men who”ve done much harsher things to Heigl, yet they continue to work.

Watch a parody of “The Muppet Show” — with humans
Presenting the disturbing “The Human Show.”

A Kansas donut shot sells “Doctor Who”-themed donuts
Check out Wichita”s Donut Whole “Whovian Donuts.”

Seth McFarlane releases his 1st Christmas album
The “Family Guy” honcho”s 2nd album is called “Holiday For Swing!”