The Walking Dead’ and ‘Star Wars’ just became part of a balanced breakfast

The day before Lent is known by many names: Fat Tuesday, Shrove Tuesday, Mardi Gras, the last day of Carnival, the day before 50% off King Cake. The list goes on.

It is also known as Pancake Day! Traditionally this was a time of introspection and penance for the Catholic faith. In modern times, it”s an excuse to stuff your face with delectable, sugary carbs. And we missed it!

Have no fear. To belatedly celebrate, I”ve collected some of the geekiest pancake art videos from Star Wars to Doctor Who. Oddly, there were no pancake artists out there who have tackled “Harry Potter” or “Game of Thrones” yet. Get on that, Internet!

#1: Uncannily accurate “Walking Dead” portraits done in pancake batter.

#2: All 151 original Pokemon in less than three minutes. (Skip to :08 mark to begin).

#3: The Force is strong with Star Wars pancake art.

#4: Bowser is part of a well-balanced breakfast.

#5: The Doctor looks good in shades of beige batter (skip to :30 mark to begin).