‘The Amazing Race’ Exclusive: The teams get dressed up in Thailand

“The Amazing Race” returns to Thailand on Friday (March 6) night's episode and it looks like things are going to be getting a little strange.

The trailers for the episode have mostly concentrated on the zip-lining and subsequent drama, particularly with blind-daters Hayley & Blair, who are seemingly headed for an epic blow-up.

However, it appears that a challenge in Thailand is going to make the pairs take part in a Thai nightclub act of some sort. Normally, I'd think that would be good news for Jonathan & Harley, since what are the New Kids on the Block if not a glorified Thai nightclub act. But this season has already demonstrated Jonathan's insecurity when it comes to choreography.

So instead, this may be a chance for Vegas showgirl Jackie and blind-dating partner Jeff to take control?

Check out the pictures below and check back tomorrow night for my full recap.