‘Ask Drew’ kicks off our re-consideration of ‘The Matrix’

It's been a while since we did one of these.

We actually shot one that is officially classified now as “lost” because of audio issues, and our video team has been incredibly busy so far this year working on new projects. This week, though, we finally convened in the HitFix studio to record a new episode of the show that you guys write for us every week.

We're looking at all sorts of different ways of making better use of our studios, but I like being on the hook to you guys. It's interesting that you'd ask something about “The Matrix.” It's been on my mind. The New Beverly showed it this weekend, and I would have gone, but I had the boys here, and we were actually doing our screenings of the other two films in the series. During our time in the car this weekend, the boys had a lot of time to talk to each other and to me about the entire “Matrix” series. I also made a comment on Twitter the other day that set off a whole string of conversations about it.

Say what you will, but the films still inspire a certain degree of heat in responses from people, including the Wachowskis themselves. When they were in Austin for Fantastic Fest and came next door after the screening of “Cloud Atlas” to relax at The Highball, they were more than willing to talk about the entire trilogy. I had a number of things I wanted to talk to Andy about in particular, and the entire time, he seemed excited to talk about it. He clearly really loves and takes pride in The Matrix as an overall canvass for storytelling, and I tend to agree. I think it's something very different than what people expected or wanted, but I think it's something personal and beautiful and ambitious and that absolutely embodies everything that the Wachowskis are as storytellers.

As always, we've got a Movie God sent in by one of you to try to make me cry, but I think I shook this week's challenge off pretty well. Considering the way a few of you have kicked my teeth in during earlier episodes, I'm thankful for an easy one.