‘Daredevil’ dares you to find all the hidden Easter Eggs in their new ad

Marvel and Netflix put out a veritable “Where”s Waldo” for “Daredevil” when they released this 30 second clip yesterday.

Let”s see what we can see!

At the very start you can just glimpse Avengers/Stark Tower in the distance. The main cast, both heroes and villains, make an appearance while Matt Murdock walks on by. You can even see his Daredevil costume reflected in the in the wet city streets. Off to our left, Nelson & Murdock, Attorneys at Law sits above a diner. We”ve also got the return of Josie”s Bar, a neon church cross which is possibly Clinton Mission Shelter, and a business named Veles Tarth(?), which I can”t place at all.

Did you guys catch anything I missed?

As to labeling the clip as a motion poster? Come on, guys. A motion poster is a glorified GIF that you can embed, not a stand-alone advertisement long enough to be a television ad. See?

”Daredevil” Season 1 will be available for streaming on Netflix on April 10, 2015.